Harry Ollrich American Legion Post 4
Call Us at (586) 469-9271

Message from the Commander:

Happy Spring. It has once again been a great year as your Commander. We have worked well together the past year and I would like to thank the Membership, Executive Board, the Sons of American Legion (S.A.L), the American Legion Riders and the Employees for all the hard work and support, and I look forward to the upcoming year.

Two special days are coming up soon. Memorial Day Services will be on May 26th, starting at 9:00am with coffee and donuts. Post wreath services at 10:00am, and then at Harry Ollrich’s grave site at Clinton Grove Cemetery at 10:30am, and 11:00 am. at the Veterans section in Clinton Grove, then over to the Mt. Clemens Fire Station for services at the Veterans Memorial area. On Sunday June 9th at 1:00pm, at Post 4 our flag retirement ceremony for retired flags takes place. When a flag is in such bad condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display,
it should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning. If you have never attended, it is worth seeing.The Naval Sea Cadets and our Post put on quite a fitting ceremony for the retirement of old flags. Thank again for supporting your American Legion and I’m looking forward to serving as your Commander for one more year!

Hope to see you around the Post.

Hope to see you around the Post.


 Tim Shosey, Commander

(586) 808-2580




Web Master: Tim Shosey