Message from the Commander:
Happy New Year to all Post 4 Members and their families, from your Executive Board, S.A.L (Sons of the American Legion), and the ALR (American Legion Riders). Let’s make 2025 a great year!
I would like to give a big thank you to all the volunteers who help throughout the year to make our events successful and to keep our post operational, my sincere thank you to one and all. Without volunteers, our post wouldn’t be successful.
The Early Bird Dinner was well attended. I want to thank everyone that paid you dues early and came out to enjoy the dinner. I also want to thank August Miele and His wife for hosting the event and Sharon Kassin for the hard work cooking the dinner. It was a very good time.
The Children’s Christmas Party was a lot of fun. Tootsie the Clown made different balloon arrangements for the kids and kept them entertained during lunch and while they waited for Santa. There were also different crafts that the kids had the opportunity to enjoy. A big thank you to Ann Robertson and her helpers for chairing the event and for all the hard work. Also, a big thank you to the S.A.L (Sons of the American Legion) for providing the lunch for the kids and their families.
Start thinking about 2025 and how you can volunteer to make your Post better and to make the Post events successful. There are many events upcoming in the next few months, check the newsletter or our calendar on the post website and come visit your post.
Looking forward to seeing each one of you at the Post in 2025!
Tim Shosey, Commander
(586) 808-2580