Harry Ollrich American Legion Post 4
Call Us at (586) 469-9271

Sons of the American Legion

The Squadron would like to thank those who helped making the Mexican Dinner/Euchre night
a success. The food was awesome. So a big thank you to Mark K. and his crew who cooked
and served. Thank you to Scott H. and Greg C. for running the euchre program upstairs.
The Squadron Adjutant would like you know that when paying your membership dues if you can

pay them at the Post or mail to:
SAL Squadron 4
401 N. Groesbeck Hwy
Mt. Clemens, MI 48043

Dues are $30.00 for over 21, $15.00 under 21 Please drop your dues in the SAL mail box.
The Adjutant would also like you not to pay online, it takes a while for the Squadron to get
paid from Lansing, thus in you getting your membership card.In March we had our nominations of officers for the coming year. They are as follows:

Commander – Kevin Clinton 

1st Vice Commander – Michael Tances
2nd Vice Commander – Bill Wilson
Adjutant – Scott Hudolin
Chaplain – Frank Kolatski
Historian – Steve Wright
Sgt.-at-Arms – Greg Charbineau / Mike Seaton

Voting will take place on Monday, April 15, 2024 Voting will only be for the office of Sgt.-at-Arms
It was an honor to serve the Squadron as its Commander this past year, and I wish the incoming officers the best of luck. Congratulations.Always remember that we are the proud possessors of a priceless heritage. We are male descendants of United States military veterans and associate ourselves together as the "Sons of the
American Legion" to assist in carrying on for

God and Country!

Doug Carignan 

586 – 484 – 4354.





Web Master: Tim Shosey